Frequently Asked Questions

See below for our FAQs. As more questions are asked in workshops and through our phone and email support, we'll add questions to the list, so check back often for updates.

List of questions 

What can I apply for?
What is the difference between capital and revenue projects?
Are there any types of projects which cannot be funded through NCIL?
How much can I apply for?
Why is there less funding than last time?
What is the fund criteria?
Can I apply for funding as an individual?
Do I need to show support from the community and/or councillors for my project?
What do I need before I start an application?
How long will it take me to complete the application?
Why has the application changed since the last round of NCIL?
Where can I find the application guidance?
When is the application deadline?
How long is the period to submit an application?
What support is available to applicants?
If I received NCIL funding in the previous round can I apply again?
How and when will decisions be made on what to fund?
How will equalities be considered when assessing applications?
Will local assemblies have the chance to see which projects are shortlisted?
How will residents have a say in which projects are funded in their local area?
How have proposed council-delivered capital projects been selected?
What happens next to council-delivered capital projects?

Consultation Hub FAQs
How will residents be able to show which projects they like?
Who can go on to the consultation hub and like projects? 
Can I go on to the consultation hub and like a project more than once?
Can I submit project proposals through the consultation hub? 
Have capital projects on the consultation hub been assessed in the same way as projects submitted via the application process? 
What will happen to the most liked projects? Does this mean the most liked projects will be funded?
How will people who wouldn’t use an online platform be included?

What can I apply for?

NCIL funding can be used for revenue or capital projects which address the pressures that increasing development puts on a local area. As more people move to Lewisham and its 19 wards, infrastructure needs to be built, renovated or maintained and additional services or activities are needed. See the Application Guidance, particularly the Overview and Fund Criteria and Priorities sections for more information.


What is the difference between capital and revenue projects?

Capital projects are those where the funding will cover a physical structure or piece of equipment and its installation. For example, playground equipment, community centre refurbishment, plants, planters, sports equipment or appliances. 

Revenue projects are any projects which require day to day funding, such as events, activities, services or clubs.

Are there any types of projects which cannot be funded through NCIL?

We cannot fund the following projects or activities through NCIL:

  • Activities that should be delivered by the Council or its partners as part of their normal functions e.g. refuse collection 
  • Lobbying, political activity or the promotion of private interests 
  • Projects with a significant ongoing financial/revenue implications not covered by the bid, such as long-term maintenance or staff costs such as increased street lighting
  • Projects that do not align with Lewisham’s Corporate priorities
  • Projects where the full cost of the project cannot be covered by NCIL and the necessary match funding has not been confirmed 
  • Costs to start an organisation or project (Seed funding)
  • Feasibility studies
  • Projects involving beneficiaries travelling abroad

How much can I apply for?

You may apply for any amount as long as it does not exceed the funding pot you are applying to. However, when deciding how much to apply for, consider the fact that each funding pot will likely fund a mix of capital and revenue projects. Projects will be selected both through the application process and from the council’s consultation platform where residents have the opportunity to view and like council delivered projects. 

There is £621,732.92 in the Borough-wide NCIL fund. Ward NCIL funding pots vary by ward and are shown in the table below:

Why is there less funding than last time?

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is collected when new development takes place. The amount of funding available for NCIL depends on how much CIL has been collected. In NCIL round 1, there was £877,094 for Borough-wide NCIL and  £2,931,270 for Ward NCIL. In NCIL Round 2, there is £621,732.92 for Borough-wide NCIL and £1,931,509.86 available for Ward NCIL. There is less funding in Round 2 compared to Round 1 due to the fact that the period of collection of NCIL receipts is shorter for Round 2 and less development has taken place across Lewisham during this period. 


What is the fund criteria?

Projects must meet the NCIL fund criteria and at least one of Lewisham’s priorities. Further details can be found in the Application Guidance under NCIL Fund Criteria and Lewisham’s Priorities.

Can I apply for funding as an individual?

No. Individuals cannot apply for funding. Please see the Application Guidance section Who can apply?

Do I need to show support from the community and/or councillors for my project?

Although it is not necessary to include any particular endorsement from councillors or the local community in your application, question 9 on the application will ask you ‘How do you know this project is needed?’. Here you may include any endorsements, surveys, or quotes from residents or service users, if you wish to. However you are also welcome to show need through your own experience, statistics, or research reports, for example. For further guidance on answering Question 9, see page 13 of the guidance and for general advice on evidencing your answers, see page 23 of the Application Guidance

What do I need before I start an application?

Have the following information and documents ready before completing your application form online:

  • Application Guidance document
  • Contact details
  • Organisation registration details
  • Project details - description, budget, benefits, who the project is aimed at, what you plan to do and how you expect to make a difference
  • Have documents ready to upload
  • A bank statement
  • Public Liability Insurance document
  • Safeguarding policy document

We also suggest you draft your answers to the questions in advance of starting the online application. The questions can be found in full in the Application Guidance. Once you are ready to apply, we recommend that you use a laptop or desktop computer rather than a mobile phone to submit your application online.

How long will it take me to complete the application?

In order to ensure you have enough time to read through the application guidance, read through all the questions and draft your answers, you should expect to set aside at least 6 hours to complete the application. 

We advise that for the longer written answers you should draft these in advance, making sure you stay within the required word limits. You may also choose to spread this time over several days. 

If you start your application and need to save and come back to it at a later date, please remember to select the save button at the bottom of the application page you are working on and enter the email address you would like the link sent to.

Why has the application changed since the last round of NCIL?

During the last round of NCIL we included a feedback form at the end of the application. We were pleased to have received 242 replies to this questionnaire and in addition to this we got feedback from applicants in our day to day work with communities. 

We analysed this feedback in advance of developing the forms and and processes for this round of NCIL and made every effort to ensure that the application form, as well as subsequent processes for the delivery of NCIL funding are accessible, user-friendly and save time for both applicants and officers. We hope this will free up time for officers to support organisations through the application process and through the monitoring and delivery of successful projects.

Where can I find the application guidance?

You can download or read through the Application Guidance on the Community Funding website at It is advisable to read through the whole guidance document before you apply.

When is the application deadline?

The current round of NCIL opened on 8 July 2024 and the application deadline is midnight on 23 September 2024.

How long is the period to submit an application

11 weeks from Monday 8 July to Monday 23 September 2024.

What support is available to applicants?

Applicants are encouraged to read through the Application Guidance and to attend an application support workshop (

If you still have a question about the fund or the application process then you may book a 1-1 session with one of our community development officers. Contact us via:


Yes, you may apply again even if you have previously received funding through NCIL.

How and when will decisions be made on what to fund?


How will equalities be considered when assessing applications?

In order to ensure we comply with the Equality Act 2010 and are considering equalities when assessing applications, the NCIL application asks several questions around who your project will benefit, whether the project particularly aims to engage those with protected characteristics (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage & civil partnership, pregnancy & maternity, race, religion & belief, sex, and sexual orientation), and how you will make sure that everyone knows about and can access your project.  

In addition to this, we have also added a priority, ‘Addressing Inequality’, which can be chosen alongside another priority if the project is ward-based or as either the sole priority or secondary priority if the project is borough-wide. This is because we recognise projects targeting specific communities with protected characteristics may need to be delivered on a borough-wide scale rather than just at ward level.

Will local assemblies have the chance to see which projects are shortlisted?

Proposed projects will be presented to residents via local assemblies between November 2024 and February 2025. 

How will residents have a say in which projects are funded in their local area?

Local residents will be able to view and like proposed council-delivered projects by visiting our consultation platform at 
Proposed projects will be presented to residents via local assemblies between November 2024 and February 2025.

How have proposed council-delivered capital projects been selected?

A selection of Council delivered capital projects have been proposed based on:

  • Input from ward councillors and officers who work closely with communities and understand which projects have community support
  • Previous suggestions for capital projects, proposed by residents and community groups, but which were not funded in Round 1

The projects were then assessed and shortlisted based on: 


All agreed projects have put on our consultation hub with the following details:

  • A project description
  • Which priority(ies) the projects meets
  • Project costs

Consultation Portal FAQs

How will residents be able to show which projects they like?

Each of the 19 wards has its own survey on the Council’s consultation hub. To show support for a project please visit the relevant ward survey on the main contents page where you will find all of the relevant information on the projects for each ward, including; 

  • A description of the project, 
  • How the project meets the NCIL criteria, and
  • What the project is projected to cost. 

Once you have decided on the projects you would like to support, you can choose up to 3 projects by selecting them from the drop down menus available on each ward survey page.

A separate survey for Borough wide projects will also be available on the Council’s consultation hub and can be accessed from the same contents page as the ward surveys. The Borough wide survey follows the same format as the ward surveys providing an opportunity for people to support up to 3 projects by using the drop down menus.

To submit a survey for both the ward and borough wide surveys please be aware that you will need to complete the introduction page on the contents page.

Who can go on to the consultation hub and like projects

You need to either live, work, study or otherwise have a connection with the ward where you are liking projects. You will have to submit your postcode and confirm why you are interested in projects in the ward(s) you have selected.

Can I go on to the consultation hub and like a project more than once?

No. You will not be able to like a project more than once. 

Can I submit project proposals through the consultation hub

No. In order to propose your own capital project you will need to submit an application via the Community Funding website.

Have capital projects on the consultation hub been assessed in the same way as projects submitted via the application process?

Yes. These projects have been assessed using the Lewisham Priorities and the NCIL criteria.  All project costs fall within the amount of funding available for the relevant fund. 

What will happen to the most liked projects? Does this mean the most liked projects will be funded?

Liking a project does not guarantee it will be delivered. The projects with the most support will be assessed alongside the capital and revenue projects that have been submitted during the open call for projects.  This will happen in order to agree a selection of both Council led and Community led projects that we are confident will result in the most positive impact for each ward and the borough as a whole. 

How will people who wouldn’t use an online platform be included?

We will carry out outreach work in wards to include those who do not have digital access.