Application Guidance

The application guidance is a must-read before you apply for NCIL funding. It contains important information, tips and example answers.

You may download the entire NCIL Application Guidance* or read through each section online below:

The guidance includes the following sections:

  1. Overview
    • What is Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL)?
    • What's new?
    • How much funding is available?
    • How can I show my support for Council delivered capital projects? 
    • How can I apply for NCIL funding?
  2. Who can apply?
  3. Fund criteria and priorities
    • Lewisham priorities
    • What we cannot fund with NCIL
  4. How much can I apply for?
    • Ward NCIL Fund
    • Borough-wide NCIL Fund
  5. The Application Form – Questions and how to answer them
  6. Get support with your application
  7. Deciding which projects to fund
  8. Glossary

* Please note we have updated the Application Guidance document and web pages on 24 July 2024 to include clarification that both capital and revenue projects can be applied for by community groups wishing to deliver those projects either borough-wide or at ward level.