NCIL Application Guidance: Fund criteria and priorities

NCIL Fund Criteria 

NCIL funding is meant to help respond to the pressures that increasing development puts on a local area. All projects must show that they will address the effects of development in Lewisham and make the local area a better place to live. 

Capital projects need to provide, improve, replace or maintain infrastructure where it is needed. Revenue projects will need to show that their activities or the services they provide are in response to the demands placed on an area due to development.

Lewisham’s Corporate Priorities

All projects must also show that they meet at least one of Lewisham’s Corporate priorities. Our priorities have been decided through public consultation* with Lewisham residents, businesses and community groups. Lewisham’s Corporate priorities are:

Cleaner and Greener - Everyone enjoys our green spaces and benefits from a healthy environment as we work to protect and improve our local environment

A Strong Local Economy - Everyone can access high quality job opportunities, with decent pay security in our thriving and inclusive local economy

Children and Young People - Every child has access to an outstanding and inspiring education and is given the support they need to keep them safe, well and able to achieve their full potential

Safer Communities - Every resident feels safe and secure living here as we work together towards a borough free from the fear of crime

Open Lewisham - Lewisham is a welcoming place of safety for all where we celebrate the diversity that strengthens us. This includes refugees, people seeking asylum and migrants as part of our Borough of Sanctuary Commitment

Health and Wellbeing - Ensuring everyone receives the health, mental health, social care and support services they need

Addressing Inequality - we realise that supporting some communities, such as those with protected characteristics, sanctuary seekers, and others can be more effective when working across several wards or borough-wide

Please note that while all applicants may select Addressing Inequality as a priority, if you are applying for a Ward NCIL Revenue or Community Delivered Capital Project, then you must also select one other priority from the list above.


Neighbourhood Planning and NCIL in Lewisham

Lewisham has formally adopted three neighbourhood plans. Each neighbourhood plan identifies infrastructure priorities specific to its neighbourhood plan area. These priorities can be used to inform project proposals during the open call for community-led projects if your project falls into one of these neighbourhood plan areas. 

Maps of the neighbourhood plan area are available to help identify the area that each plans priorities will cover. To view each neighbourhood plan and review the priorities please use the links below:

* Lewisham’s Priorities are made up of our Corporate Priorities. These have been decided based on information gathered from the Residents Survey 2022, Local Plan, LGA Peer Challenge and Voices of Lewisham. Read more about Lewisham's Corporate Priorities as well as in the Council’s Corporate Strategy

Find out about Lewisham’s Borough of Sanctuary status and see our Borough of Sanctuary Strategy

What we cannot fund with NCIL

  • Activities that should be delivered by the Council or its partners as part of their normal functions e.g. refuse collection
  • Lobbying, political activity or the promotion of private interests 
  • Projects with a significant ongoing financial/revenue implications not covered by the bid, such as long-term maintenance or staff costs i.e. increased street lighting
  • Projects that do not align with Lewisham’s Corporate priorities
  • Projects where the full cost of the project cannot be covered by NCIL and the necessary match funding has not been confirmed 
  • Costs to start an organisation or project (Seed funding)
  • Feasibility studies