
The following links and reports provide context for the need for community funding in Lewisham and may be useful when putting together your application.

LB Lewisham Observatory
Find data on Lewisham including Indices of Multiple Deprivation

LB Lewisham - Planning an event or festival

Lewisham’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

Lewisham Local

Living Wage Foundation

Small Charities Data 

LB Lewisham - Ward map

Equality Act 2010 

Trust for London



Main Grants Consultation Report 2022-25

Abandoned, Forgotten and Ignored - The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on Disabled people Interim Report - June 2020

Lewisham Speaking Up: Research on Digital Exclusion since the Covid-19 pandemic 2020

Carnegie UK Trust - Covid-19 and Communities Listening Project – A Shared Response Report 
A Covid and Communities listening project to touch base with people who the Carnegie Trust had previously connected with to learn more about how communities and public services were responding to the Covid 19 crisis.

Healthwatch Lewisham Covid-19 Impact Study

Rebalancing the Relationship Report 
A study exploring how a better understanding of the power imbalance inherent in collaboration and accountability, where the sector hasn’t got it quite right in the past and is building a strong voluntary sector eco-system for the future. 

Lloyds Bank Foundation - The Value of Small in a Big Crisis Report -  February 2021
The distinctive contribution, value and experiences of smaller charities in England and Wales during the 1st wave of the Covid-19 pandemic